

‘JAFAKSH’ by PORCHAM is a charitable campaign dedicated to empowering hardworking individuals.
Our goal is to provide clothing gifts to those who have earned it through their hard work and determination.
We believe that everyone deserves to feel confident and dignified, and ‘JAFAKSH’ is here to make that a reality. With your support, we can give the gift of clothing and spread hope in communities everywhere. Join us on this journey of goodness and help us make a positive impact in the lives of those who need it most.

Meet Ali Sawal, a 14 year old hardworking individual who has been gifted from Jafakash.
Watch his video as Ali shares his inspiring story of perseverance and resilience..
#JAFAKSH #PORCHAM #Help #Care #Jafaksh_By_Porcham
Youtube Video Link:

Meet Abdul Rehman, a 53-year-old remarkable individual who is working tirelessly to support his family with his own two hands.
At ‘JAFAKSH’, we believe in recognizing the hard work and resilience of people like Abdul Rehman, and we are proud to support them in their journey towards..
#Jafakash #Porcham #Empowerment #HardWork
Youtube Video Link:

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